Transport – further publications

A selection of other papers on

  • transport policy
  • public transport
  • planning
  • London’s transport
  • planning and land use
  • climate and energy
  • speed and safety
  • public health
  • climate change

The future of transport and development in the new millenium: the inescapable implications of climate change in An International Handbook on Transport and Development (eds Hickman, Givoni, Bonilla & Banister), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015

Limiting climate change: the changing role of public transport ATCO (Association of Transport Co-ordinating Officers) summer conference Why Public Transport?, Llandudno, 14-15 June 2007

Promoting the concept of solar cities: the only effective strategy Solar Cities International Congress, Oxford, 5 April 2006

The future of public transport: the dangers of viewing policy through rose-tinted spectacles World Transport Policy and Practice, 2006

What is sustainable growth? Keynote speech at the TRICS Annual Conference on Achieving Sustainable Growth, 1 November, 2005

Future of the railways Memorandum for House of Commons Transport Committee, Seventh Report of Session 2003-04, Vol.2, Ev. 455-456, 11 May 2005

Climate change and a sustainable transport policy Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Municipal Engineer, Vol.151 Issue 1, pp.91-94, 2002

Speed policy: myths and misconceptions Paper presented at a seminar on speed policy organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Slower Speeds Initiative, 24 June 2002

Memorandum on the Mayor’s Draft Transport Strategy for London April 2001

Justification for subsidising rail travel Debate with Roger Levett in Town and Country Planning, April 2001

Emerging innovative transit systems: a sceptical view World Transport Policy and Practice, Vol.7 No.4, 2001

Memorandum on the Integrated Transport White Paper (Memo IT35) in Integrated Transport White Paper, Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee, Ninth Report, House of Commons, Session 1998-1999, Vol.II, April 1999

Closing rural railways (with David Wiggins) in Town and Country (eds. Anthony Barnett and Roger Scruton), Jonathan Cape, 1999

Curbing Shorter Car Journeys: Prioritising the Alternatives Friends of the Earth Trust, 1998

Injury prevention: the dangers of limiting the field of policy appraisal Fourth World Conference on Injury Prevention and Control, Amsterdam, May, 1998

The future of air travel and international tourism World Transport Policy and Practice, Vol.3 No.1, 1997

Fallacious assumptions underpinning road safety policy in Proceedings of a conference organised by the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety, Transport Safety: What do we want from an incoming government?, PACTS, 1997

The end of the road: where now? Parliamentary Review, Conference Edition 1996

Risk reduction for vulnerable road users Memorandum to the House of Commons Transport Select Committee, April 1996

Memorandum on Shopping Centres and their Future (with Stephen Plowden) for House of Commons Environment Committee Inquiry, 1994

Red Routes: a golden opportunity to rehabilitate local community life Walk, Vol. 7 No.7, Spring 1994

Roadside plaques to mark fatalities Journal of the Institute for Social Inventions, Vol.29, 1993

Cities, transport and the health of the citizen Paper presented at the workshop Environment, Traffic and Urban Planning, European Academy of the Urban Environment, Berlin, 30 Nov – 4 Dec 1992

The incompatibility of growth in the transport sector and environmentally sustainable futures The 1992 Cambridge Econometrics Annual Conference on Transport, Communications and the 21st Century, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, 6-7 July, 1992

Uses and abuses of transport and road safety statistics in policy formation Manchester Statistical Society, Occasional Paper, July 1992

The demand for rail in an environmentally and resource conscious society Guided Transport in 2040, European Community Ministers of Transport, 1992

Healthy transport policy in Health Through Public Policy: the Greening of Public Health (ed. Peter Draper), Greenprint, 1991

Getting about in towns in British Towns and the Quality of Life: A Diagnosis of the Problem, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Town and Country Planning Association 1989, 1990

Transport and the healthy city Health and Hygiene, Vol.9, 1988

The politics of speed control Policy Studies, Vol.8, Part 2, October 1987

Not a carborne democracy and Unfreedom road in Transport Sociology: Social Aspects of Transport Planning, E. de Boer (ed.), Pergamon Press, 1986

Proposed closure of the Settle to Carlisle railway Proof of Evidence TUCC Public Inquiry into the Closure of the Settle to Carlisle Railway, April 1986

Road Safety: What Next? (ed.) Proceedings of Conference at Policy Studies Institute, 1986

Lowering the speed of traffic Paper read at ATEC Conference in Paris during European Road Safety Year, June 9-11, 1986

The Future of Rural Railways (editor of conference proceedings), Policy Studies Institute, 1984.

Getting about locally (with Reg Harman) in Decision-making in Britain: Transport, Open University Press, 1983

Is this the age of the train? Policy Studies, Vol.3 Part 4, April 1983

The wrong turning: twenty years on from Buchanan Built Environment, Vol.9 No.2, 1983

Transportation in London: the role of walking (with Anne Whalley), Memorandum to the House of Commons Transport Committee Inquiry on Transport in London, HMSO, February 1982

The relevance of walking to the formulation of transport policy (with Anne Whalley) in Transport and Public Policy Planning, Peter Hall and David Banister (eds.), 1980

Conference on walking (ed.), Proceedings of a Conference, Policy Studies Institute, 1980

The future pattern of hospital provision in England (with Anne Whalley), Memorandum on the DHSS Consultation Paper (unpublished), September 1980

Movement systems in British new towns (with Stephen Potter) in International Urban Growth Policies: New Town Contribution, G. Golany (ed.), John Wiley, 1978

Some implications of transport and planning policies for preventive medicine Memorandum to House of Commons Social Services Sub-Committee Inquiry on Preventive Medicine, First Report from the Expenditure Committee, 1976-77, Appendix 58, Vol.III, pp.720-724, June 1976, HMSO, 1977

Transport Realities and Planning Policy (with Anne Whalley and Irwin Henderson), Policy Studies Institute, 1976.

Memorandum to House of Commons Expenditure Committee Trade and Industry Sub-Committee Inquiry on the Motor Vehicle Industry Fourteenth Report, Session 1974-75 pp.78-85, June 1975, HMSO, August 1975

Social and planning implications of motorways Symposium on Motorways, Environment and the Community, Proceedings of North East London Polytechnic, April 1975

Traffic to holiday homes Built Environment (with Irwin Henderson and Anne Whalley), Vol.2 No.8, August 1973

The disadvantaged of Milton Keynes (with Anne Whalley), Architectural Design, August 1973

Better environmental areas (with Irwin Henderson), New Society , Vol.25 No.562, 12 July 1973

Highway to survival: an environmental discussion on the automobile – servant or master? Car, March 1973

Urban Transport Planning, Memorandum and Evidence to House of Commons Expenditure Sub-Committee Inquiry on Urban Transport Planning, Minutes of Evidence, Session 1971-72, HMSO, pp.235-253, 12 April 1972

The social costs of hypermarket developments Built Environment, Vol.2 No.2, February 1972