Climate change – further publications

A selection of other papers on the relevance of climate change to policy on

  • air travel and international tourism
  • transport
  • energy conservation
  • carbon rationing

Time to face up to the realities of climate change,, April 2018

Time to face up to the realities of climate change – an appeal to the professions in Town and Country Planning, March/April 2016, pp. 123-133

Climate change and its implications for the future of London in The London Forum’s newsforum, Spring 2014.

Aviation Strategy statement for the House of Commons’ Transport Select Committee Inquiry, 14 November 2012.

What future for road, rail and air transport in the face of climate change? in the Handbook of Green Economics, Green Economics Institute, January 2012.

The implications of climate change for the future of the car World Transport Policy and Practice, pp.44-53, Vol.17.4, 2012.

Cycling as a substantial beneficiary of the necessity of adopting carbon rationing to limit climate change, Cycling Research Institute (Australia), 2012.

Quo vadis et quis custodiet? Journal of Environmental Law and Management, Vol. 23, 2011

Debate on carbon credits with Mark Lynas, BBC Focus Magazine, December 2009.

Ideology, not science, drives critics on man-made global warming, Local Transport Today, 19 September 2008

Haven’t transport professionals heard about global warming yet? Local Transport Today, 22 August 2008

So then, how serious are you about saving the planet? “Going Green” Hornsey Journal, December 2007

Carbon rationing: the only realistic strategy Climate Action, December 2007

Limiting climate change: the changing role of public transport ATCO (Association of Transport Co-ordinating Officers) Summer Conference ‘Why Public Transport?’, Llandudno, 14-15 June 2007

Carbon rationing: the only way to save the planet or a paralysing obsession? (Debate with Claire Fox, director of the Institute of Ideas), Science and Public Affairs, June 2007

A climate call to arms, ENDS: Climate Review, 2006-2007

Roads to Ruin (with Ian Roberts), Resurgence, Issue 235, 2006

Commentary on the Stern Review on the economics of climate change BBC Focus Magazine, 23 November 2006

What we must do to save the planet RSA Journal, June 2006

Climate change: the implications for policy on injury control and health promotion (with Ian Roberts), Injury Prevention, April 2006

“Contraction and Convergence” and public health (with Ian Roberts), Public Health, March 2006

Carbon rationing and public health (Ian Roberts), London Health Commission, 3 November 2005

What is sustainable growth? Keynote speech at the TRICS annual conference on achieving sustainable growth, 1 November 2005

Energy Efficiency, Memorandum, House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, Second Report of the Session 2005-06, Vol.11, Evidence, pp.284-289, Stationery Office, July 2005 (with Tina Fawcett)

Crumbs from the carbon banquet (with Ian Roberts), The Guardian, 30 July 2005

It’s time to go on a low carbon diet The Independent, 8 July 2005

Commentary on the Gleneagles Summit Open Democracy, Summer 2005

Carbon rationing to limit climate change: the most effective way of promoting cycling, VeloCity Conference, Dublin, 31 May 2005

Living way beyond the planet’s limits: a clarion call for intervention Open Democracy, Spring 2005

Living in a low carbon world (ed with Tina Fawcett), Proceedings of PSI/UKERC Conference, London, 30 June 2005

In Conversation (with the author), Epilogue to the second edition of High Tide: News from a Warming World by Mark Lynas, Harper Perennial, 2005

The EU’s contribution to shaping the future global climate change regime: action on climate change post 2012 (with Tina Fawcett), October 2004

Putting a price on the value of survival New Economics Foundation, Radical Economics, Issue 20, September/October 2004

As if there’s no tomorrow: taking steps to save the planet Church Times, 4 June 2004

A modest proposal to save the planet The Independent Review, 27 May 2004

Ethical implications of climate change for personal lifestyles Ethical Record, pp.10-14, September 2001

Climate change and a sustainable transport policy, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Municipal Engineer, Vol.151 Issue 1, pp.91-94, 2002

The implications of climate change for the future of air travel Written Statement for the Terminal 5 Inquiry, Government of London, 1998

Why climate change must top the agenda and Carbon budget watchers Town and Country Planning (special issue on climate change edited by Mayer Hillman), October 1998

The future of air travel and international tourism, World Transport Policy and Practice, Vol.3 No.1, 1997

Memorandum to House of Commons Transport Committee second report on UK airport capacity, Vol.II minutes of evidence 67-II, HMSO, May 1996

Reconciling Transport and Environmental Policy Objectives, Public Administration, Vol.70, Summer 1992

The incompatibility of growth in the transport sector and environmentally sustainable futures, 1992 Cambridge Econometrics annual conference on transport, communications and the 21st century, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, 6-7 July 1992

Wealth Beyond Measure: An Atlas of New Economics (with Paul Ekins and Robert Hutchison), Gaia Books, 1992. Also published in the United States as Green Economics: the Gaia Atlas, Anchor Books Doubleday

Promoting conservation in buildings: a promising route, Energy Policy, Vol. 13 No. 5, pp. 421-424, October 1985

Fuelling waste: akin to a conspiracy, Energy in Buildings, pp.28-29, November/December 1985