Energy conservation

Energy Conservation’s Contribution to UK Self-Sufficiency Heinemann Educational Books, 1984. (A joint study on the UK’s self-sufficiency with the Royal Institute of International Affairs.)

Less Fuel, More Jobs: Promoting Energy Conservation in Buildings (with Alan Bollard), Policy Studies Institute, 1985

Both publications revealed substantial scope for creating jobs through an expanding energy conservation programme. Proposals were made for revising the statutes of the utilities to discourage them from measuring success in terms of increasing sales but rather in terms of delivering a service. A simple energy-efficient rating system, energy audits and thermal ratings for buildings were also developed.

Joint Memorandum to House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology Inquiry on Energy Conservation Political and Economic Planning and Council for the Protection of Rural England, 1975

Recommended that government give instructions to authorities responsible for preparing regional, structure and transport plans, requiring them to consider the energy implications of proposals with a view to encouraging the adoption of schemes involving low energy use.