A selection of other papers on the relevance of cycling and walking to
- transport policy
- social and health issues,
- children and elderly people
- leisure activity.
Carbon rationing to limit climate change: the most effective way of promoting cycling VeloCity Conference, Dublin, 31 May, 2005
Cycling away from obesity CTC, 2004
The risk compensation theory and bicycle helmets (with John Adams), Injury Prevention, Vol.7, pp.89-91, 2001
MACAW – A UK aid to calculating the economic benefits of more walking and cycling (with Howard Boyd and Sinead Flavin), Proceedings of the Conference of VeloCity 2001, Edinburgh, September 2001
Walking in towns and cities Memorandum by Mayer Hillman WTC23, Select Committee on Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs, January 2001
The relevance of climate change to the future of cycling VeloCity Edinburgh, 2001
A continuous pedestrian network Australia Walking the 21st Century, February 2001
Cycling at the top of the policy agenda Opening paper (by satellite link) at New Zealand Cycling Symposium 2000, Making Cycling Viable, 14-15 July 2000
Destroying travel myths – it’s not safe to walk and cycle Camden Cyclist, June 2000
Institutional partnership in promoting cycling and walking 8th Annual Public Health Forum: Partnership, Participation & Power, Harrogate International Centre, 28-29 March 2000
Cycling and Health: the Effects of Regular Cycling on Previous Non-Cyclists (with H. Boyd, A. Nevill, A. Pearce and W. Tuxworth), Final Report for the DETR and the TRL, Allott and Lomax, 1998Curbing Shorter Car Journeys: Prioritising the Alternatives Friends of the Earth Trust, 1998
Curbing Shorter Car Journeys: Prioritising the Alternatives Friends of the Earth Trust, 1998
The potential of non-motorised transport for promoting health and Public policy on the green modes and Cycling as the most realistic substitute for car use in urban areas: burying the conventional myth about public transport in The Greening of Urban Transport (ed. R. Tolley), John Wiley and Sons, 1997
Cycling as the realistic substitute for the car: burying the conventional urban myth about public transport VeloCity Milano, 1995
The Cycle Helmet: Friend or Foe? Policy Studies Institute, 1992
Cycling and the promotion of health Proceedings of PTRC XXth Summer Annual Meeting, University of Manchester, September, 1992
The role of walking and cycling in transport policy Consumer Policy Review, Vol.2 No.2 (special issue on transport policy), April 1992
Pedestrians crossing roads and sleeping policeman Journal of Institute for Social Inventions, No.24, 1991/2
Educating decision makers about the health benefits and safety aspects of cycling in current traffic environments VeloCity, Milano, 1991
Unfreedom road (on children’s mobility), New Society, Vol.24 No.552, pp.234-236, 3 May 1973
Personal Mobility and Access to Leisure, Proceedings of the conference Out and About: Promoting Access to Countryside Recreation (eds. Chris Banister and David Groome), University of Manchester, Occasional Paper 12, 1984
Alternative policies to meet the travel needs of the elderly and handicapped in Mobility for the Elderly and Handicapped (eds. Norman Ashford and William Bell), Loughborough University of Technology, 1978
Appropriate transport for the future: commonsense denied (on the oversight of the potential of the bicycle), Futures, Vol.10 No.5, pp.417-420, October 1978
Social aspects of cycling British Cycling Bureau in association with Health Education Council, Digest for Cycling and Health, 1978
Personal mobility and transport policy in Proceedings of the First International Pedestrian/Bicycle Conference, International Federation of Pedestrian Associations, London, 27-29 May 1974