Children – further publications

A selection of other papers on the relevance of current public policies and practices to children’s quality of life.

Children’s independent mobility: a comparative study in England and Germany (1971-2010) (with Ben Shaw, Ben Watson, Bjorn Frauendienst, Andreas Redecker & Tim Jones), Policy Studies Institute, 2013

A comparison study of children’s independent mobility in England and Australia (with Alison Carver, Ben Watson & Ben Shaw) , Children’s Geographies, 11:4
pp.461-475, 2013

The freedom and development of young people: more restrictions, more trouble ahead Generation Youth Issues, 2007

Stick to your guns (commentary on Camden’s review of its school-run strategy), Hampstead & Highgate Express, 26 April 2007

Are we developing battery-reared or free-range children? Opening Paper (by video presentation) at a seminar of the Western Australian Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Perth, Australia, 14 March 2002

The school run Memorandum (and Addendum) for London Borough of Camden Scrutiny Panel, 30 January 2002

Play Scotland conference talk Home Zones, July 2000

Curbing children’s social and emotional development: an unrecognised outcome of parental fears Journal of Contemporary Health, Issue 8, Winter 1999/2000

Protection racket (on the loss of children’s independence outside the home), Times Educational Supplement, 20 June 1997

More daylight: healthier children Childright, No.103, January/February 1994

Children’s freedom and safety (with John Adams), Children’s Environments, Vol.9 No.2, pp.10-22, 1992

Traffic threat to children Childright, May 1989

Unfreedom road (on children’s mobility), New Society, Vol.24 No.552, pp.234-236, 3 May 1973