Integrated transport white paper

A memorandum for the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee.

This short Memorandum represents a commentary on the Government’s White Paper on the Future of Transport. After highlighting radical elements in the White Paper which provide grounds for optimism, it briefly raises nine inter-related and critical themes in the Paper: the justification for traffic restraint; the breadth of modal choice; the balance between persuasion and coercion in practice; the dangers of exaggerating the role of public transport; pricing, subsidy and hypothecation; health promotion and danger reduction; the scope of technology in energy conservation; limits on demand for travel; and the response to the threat of climate change. These, particularly the last, provide grounds for serious concern about the direction the Paper proposes for the first decades of the next century. Continue reading

Terminal 5 Inquiry: The implications of climate change for the future of air travel

Written statement by Mayer Hillman for the Terminal 5 Inquiry. Published by Government of London, April 1998.

Dr. Hillman is a graduate of University College London, and of the University of Edinburgh. He is Senior Fellow Emeritus of the Policy Studies Institute – Britain’s leading independent research organisation in the economic and social policy fields – where he was engaged from 1970 to 1991 as the Head of the Institute’s Environment and Quality of Life Research Programme. His studies have been concerned with transport, urban planning, health promotion, and energy conservation and environment policies. He has written extensively on these subjects. Continue reading

11: Climate change – countering objections to effective measures

One of government’s primary functions is to intervene when the expression of too much freedom of choice by individuals can be seen to be prejudicial to the public interest.

Nowhere is there a greater need for urgent action on this front than in the domain of fuel consumption for heating and transport owing to the effect that this is having on the world’s climate. Evidence of its consequences in the form of exceptional weather patterns is accumulating at an alarming rate and is apparent in the rising incidence of hot summers, the retreat of glaciers, the melting of the tundra in Siberia and so on. There are numerous measures that can be adopted to promote energy conservation practices to reduce consumption. However, whenever radical ones are proposed, it seems that our first instinct is to scrutinise them in order to establish what is wrong with them and, if any fault can be detected, to reject them. Continue reading

The other environment for learning

All political parties see education as the domain of public policy deserving a high if not top place on their agendas. New Labour, with its oft-repeated mantra of the last few months of ‘Education, Education, Education’ as its priority, has indicated that it looks forward to being especially remembered for having markedly raised standards in schools during its term of office. Continue reading

The end of the road: where now?

The demand for car travel appears to have no limit. Even in the United States, which may be thought to be close to satiation, both vehicle and passenger kilometres have increased in the last ten years by 40 per cent – a similar extent to the UK. Pressure for road building to keep pace with the demand continues, albeit in the face of ever more evidence that its growth is unsustainable and the absence of proof that it contributes to the nation’s prosperity or people’s quality of life. Continue reading

10: Spreading altruism with a pyramid-selling technique

In my contribution to last year’s Compendium, I referred to the obvious need to pay more attention to the implications of our personal decisions from a public interest perspective. The growing anonymity of our lives, which is strongly associated both with the geographical spread of daily activity and easy access to home entertainment, has nurtured a culture of self-interest. People we do not know represent an increasing proportion of those whose paths we cross in the course of our lives outside the home, yet it is instinctive to feel more accountable to those we recognise and may meet again, particularly if we know them by name. Likewise, we care more and therefore take more care to protect and enhance the environments in which we spend more of our time. Continue reading

Cycling as the realistic substitute for the car

Burying the conventional urban myth about public transport VeloCity, Milano, 1995.

The role of public transport is much exaggerated. This has led to a serious distortion and under-estimation of the potential role of the bicycle (and, to a lesser extent, walking) as a more realistic substitute for car travel on urban journeys. The essential transfer away from the car to achieve more of the current objectives of public policy on environmental protection, energy saving, health promotion, car use reduction, and getting best value for money, would be furthered by giving pride of place in towns and cities to cycling (and walking) before public transport. Continue reading

9: Providing for cycling and walking cheaper than more public transport

Spending on public transport is a conspicuous and attractive way to tackle the problems caused by the growth in car use. But the cost per person mile for public transport provision is far higher than that for cycling and walking. Continue reading

8: The need for new indicators of personal conduct

‘At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is the national interest’ (John Major in a recent House of Commons debate on Europe).

‘Of course, we all want to do the best for our children’ (John Major in the House of Commons, commenting on the Blair parents’ recent decision to send their son to an opt-out school eight miles away from the family home).

And so it goes on. It is now judged perfectly reasonable to justify actions which disregard the consequences for others and to take for granted that no one will be challenged on this account. This moral decline in behaviour is viewed as normal, probably because it has become so universal. Continue reading

7: Fair pay, play fair

In order to contain inflationary pressures in the economy and to facilitate the process of pay-round bargaining to that end, each year Government has been determining a percentage target increase for earnings in the public sector for the following year. The increase is intended to take into account the rate of inflation and what can be afforded from the overall improved efficiency and productivity of the previous year. The current figure is around 1.5 per cent. Continue reading